Tuesday, December 2, 2014

And the ......Winner Is.

Hi all,

I hope you all a great weekend, with the holiday and all the wonderful sales and cyber sales going on this weekend. With the holiday weekend I tell ya, there are just not enough hours in the day for me to do it all.

Omgosh!!! I just want to say Thank you all for entering my Blog-Aversary.
I am so excited that so many of you decided to join in the fun! :D  I also picked up a couple of new followers and and some new Google followers. Makes me so happy that you all find my blog inspirational and you like my creations. 

Well on to the WINNER (right?)

The Winner is .............
Robin!!! from http://robins-reflections.blogspot.com
Robin please email at stampndeb00@yahoo.com with your address by
Friday, December 12th

Thank you all for joining me.
Will be posting December Give away soon. : )

Deborah xxx


  1. Congrats Robin! You're a lucky one!
    Deborah, thanks for the great candy!

  2. Congrats to the lucky winner! And thank you to Deborah for the generous giveaway of your candy!

  3. Congrats to Robin and to you for your great candy!!
